In Quebec, the entrance exams for students starting their 6e year is a very important step in their school career.
For this we have set up several tools to support them in this preparation.
Le contexte particulier dans lequel se déroulent ces examens s’avère souvent une première expérience pour les élèves et beaucoup d’éléments peuvent interférer avec les bons résultats de votre enfant : stress, manque de temps, distractions, etc.
The objective of preparing for the entrance exams is to prepare the students of 6e year from the Quebec region who will participate in the various competitions with a view to possible admission to a private college or to the intermediate education program (PEI)
It turns out that the area's entrance exams are seen to be much more competitive than they really are and it is unfortunate that over time they have become stressful. It is of course necessary to prepare adequately, but also to avoid over-preparation which could ultimately cause the opposite effect to that desired, that is to say to put the child in confidence. So our approach has been developed with this intention and based on trust rather than the need for performance.